Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Part Five : "Creativity"

"Broken stained-glass windows, the fragments ramble on
Tales of broken souls, an eternity's been won
As critics scorn the thoughts and works of mortal man
My eyes are drawn to you in awe once again
In your picture book I'm trying hard to see
Turning endless pages of this tragedy
Sculpting every move you compose a symphony
You plead to everyone, "see the art in me"

-from the song Art in Me by Jars of Clay

Walking through Franklin Park Zoo the other day, I had this very imminent sense of seeing things differently. I'm usually in awe of the organisms we get to observe there, but we've been going there a lot lately. We became members, so visits are without future cost. Since it is kind of like a "free" family trip, we bring the kids there quite a bit. They love it. It does have an awesome playground, which is a bonus. But, you know, the stripes of a zebra don't seem as exotic the thirteenth time.

Sloths are probably my favorite species. I don't know why I love them so much, but they are just so fascinating to me. Their movements, while almost mechanical, appear to me like a painter adding intricate details to a piece.

Well, usually I just see sloths sleeping, or maybe a slight change of position hanging from a tree limb. I've heard that they are good swimmers, but have yet to see that in person. That would be awesome!

I was so lucky to actually see a few minutes of very animated activity recently. Two sloths were circling around their zoo habitat, almost like they were exploring. I started taking pics immediately, and while I was doing that one of the sloths climbed unto the fence right in front of me. It poked its crazy fingernails through the fence grabbing my phone! I had to put my phone in my pocket while I stared into its eyes. So cool.

It renewed my awe. Stirred up within me was my deep awe and admiration for God's creation. And the rest of the zoo visit felt like I was wearing some special glasses. I noticed how God designed the transformative process of butterflies to illustrate our new birth. I saw how beautiful the patterns are on peacocks. I marveled at the circulatory system of giraffes, praising God for revealing His creativity in this.

I never want to take this for granted. All the most incredible sights on Earth point us to Jesus.

"The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.  For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him."
                                            (Colossians 1:16-17)

Some days I see things like a rainbow, and immediately think of God's promises. But other days, my heart is dulled. I forget things like every hair on my children's heads are numbered by Him.

I love Jesus because He reminds me that whatever buzz word is being used to describe creativity, whether it be "innovation", "divergent", or the like...well, it all really comes from Him. God made everything from nothing.

When my head is foggy, and things seem to be stagnant, I look to Jesus to breathe life into me. I look to Him to open my eyes. I depend on Him to imitate His artwork.

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